- data integrity depends on
- data sharing
- accuracy
- redundency
- 2&4 ANS: accuracy
- which is lightweight protocal? ANS:soap
- class is which based memory ANS: Heap
- csharp code is ANS: managed
- sn.exe generates what? ANS: Strong Name
- file and fileinfo classes doesn't offer the set of functionality
- moving
- creating
- copying
- deleting ANS: Creating
- datareader field count return type ANS:integer
- type dataset and untype dataset difference?
- type dataset have schema information of database(primary key and FK info)
- untype does not have schema information
- net does not affect existing COM objects
- .Net and COM components interoperate with each other
- COM components can be upgraded into .NET components
- if u build the application what file with extension generated ANS: .exe
- null is a string ? ANS: NO
- which access specifiers not hide the variables in namespace
- internal
- protected
- internal protected
- public ANS:public
- which access modifier is specify for incomplete class
- abstract
- virtual
- override
- sealed ANS: abstract
- which keyword permits to overload abstract methods? ANS: Abstract override
- which is not feature of c sharp ANS: c sharp is not a case sensitive
- .The class which offers storage capability Ans:ICollection
- sealed class ANS: We can’t further inherit the sealed class
- how date types are available? ANS: 1.Value types 2. Reference types 3. Pointer types
- which is responsible for loading data into dataset? ANS: DataAdapter
- .what is cLI? ANS: Common Language Infrastructure
- .LINQ full form? Ans : Language Integrated Query
- OLEDB full form? ANS Object Linking and Embedding, Database,
- what is the backbone of disconnected model? ANS:Data adapter
- .AJAX full form? ANS : Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
- .Full form of ccw? ANS : COM Callable Wrapper
- net doesn’t not support which web standards? Ans: other than this HTTP,XML,SOAP,WSDL,UDDI.
- What will ICollection have? Ans:IList and Idictionary
- .we can minimize the selection process by using which clause?ANS: : where
- DATABASE METADATA STORE IN WHICH PLACE ANS: : System catalog or System Table
- EXTENT LENGTH ANS: : 8 Contiguous pages(64KB)
- which stores the pre defined query? ANS: : System Stored Procedure
- sql server doesn't run which os?
- xp
- 98
- 95
- millineum ANS: : 95
- we can perform insert delete update operation on?
- table
- view
- trigger
- index ANS: table
- which produces result and also non relational result
- compute
- cube
- rollup
- none ANS: : Compute
- a query which relay on output of inner query
- correrelate subquery
- nested subquery
- inner querey
- none ANS: Corelated subquery