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Q 1)
class NullableTypes
     {public void Main()
        { int? i=12, j;
          Console.WriteLine("j is {0}",j);
what is output? ans-> 12
Q 2) 
static method correct syntax:
     a.private static main()                            b.public static main()
     c.public static int main()                          d.public static void main()
Q 3)
 AJAX full form?
answer: asynchronous javascript and xml.
Q 4)
Compile time polymorphism is
Q 5)   class table{    } public static void Main()  { tobj;    } a) tobj will store in heap         b) tobj will store in stack c) tobj will store in heap and point to stack       d)-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 6)  which is not a collection type?   a.list         b.arraylist      c.array    d.heaplist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q7) what is  base class for serialization?   a.System.serialization                 b.Sytem.formatters.serialization   c.system.runtime.serialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 8) which authentication is done by developers and professional? authentication                               b.server authentication c.both a and b                                                  d.none of these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 9)which is a light weight protocol? A.SOAP              B.XML                  C.HTTP                                  D.HTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 10) which model is better for enterprise work? a.relational                                    b.hierarchical                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 11) operator used for conversion of data type?       C.typeof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 12) which access specifier has less scope than internal? a.private                             b.public               c.protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 13) which of them are executed first in a program? a.namespace                    b.directives             c.main()                                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q 14) goes to operator is used in which? a.lambda expression         b.delegates   
Q 16) size of Extent?
Q 17) how data will store in sqlserver
Q 18) how many data pages is equal to one data extent?
                       8 data pages (each size is 8K and total 64K) .
Q 19) how many types of extents in sql server
  1. mixed extent which stores data pages belong to the different objects 
  1.  First 8 pages for the objects are stored in the mixed extents
  1.  uniform extent which stores data pages belong to the one object.

Q 20) what do you know about ALLOCATION MAPs
  • ALLOCATION MAPs are a few special data pages types in  SQLServer which  is used to track extents allocation. Those pages are basically bitmaps  and each bit handles one extent.(each page handles 64,000 extents or almost 4Gb of data).
  •  GAM – Global Allocation Map – tracks if extent are available for allocation or already in use.
Q 22) SGAM –
Q 23) IAM
Q 24) what is PFS
  1. SQL Server Mnagement Studio is an Environment to access, configure, mange,and administer SQL components
  1. Business Intelligence Development Studio is an IDE for creating Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Integration SErvices solutions
  1. SQL server Configuration Manager is an interface to provide mangement for SQL services, protocols, and client aliases
Q 5)   class table{    }
public static void Main()  { tobj;    }
a) tobj will store in heap         b) tobj will store in stack
c) tobj will store in heap and point to stack       d)--
Q 6)  which is not a collection type?
  a.list         b.arraylist      c.array    d.heaplist
Q7) what is  base class for serialization?
  a.System.serialization                 b.Sytem.formatters.serialization
Q 8) which authentication is done by developers and professional? authentication                               b.server authentication
c.both a and b                                                  d.none of these
Q 9)which is a light weight protocol?
A.SOAP              B.XML                  C.HTTP                                  D.HTML
Q 10) which model is better for enterprise work?
a.relational                                    b.hierarchical                        
Q 11) operator used for conversion of data type?       C.typeof
Q 12) which access specifier has less scope than internal?
a.private                             b.public               c.protected
Q 13) which of them are executed first in a program?
a.namespace                    b.directives             c.main()                                         
Q 14) goes to operator is used in which?
a.lambda expression         b.delegates   
Q 16) size of Extent?
Q 17) how data will store in sqlserver
Q 18) how many data pages is equal to one data extent?
                       8 data pages (each size is 8K and total 64K) .
Q 19) how many types of extents in sql server
  1. mixed extent which stores data pages belong to the different objects 
  1.  First 8 pages for the objects are stored in the mixed extents
  1.  uniform extent which stores data pages belong to the one object.

Q 20) what do you know about ALLOCATION MAPs
  • ALLOCATION MAPs are a few special data pages types in  SQLServer which  is used to track extents allocation. Those pages are basically bitmaps  and each bit handles one extent.(each page handles 64,000 extents or almost 4Gb of data).
  •  GAM – Global Allocation Map – tracks if extent are available for allocation or already in use.
Q 22) SGAM –
Q 23) IAM
Q 24) what is PFS
  1. SQL Server Mnagement Studio is an Environment to access, configure, mange,and administer SQL components
  1. Business Intelligence Development Studio is an IDE for creating Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Integration SErvices solutions
  1. SQL server Configuration Manager is an interface to provide mangement for SQL services, protocols, and client aliases

         int x=5;
     int y=x*x/*+x*/-x;

a) y=20      b)y=30     c)y=25     d) error:comments not valid inside xpression
Q 16) 
 class base
    Public base()
{ console.write(“text1”);}
    Public base(int x)
{ console.write(“text 2”);}
Class derived : base
            Public derived() :base()
            Public derived (int y): base()

a) text 1    b) text2   c)text 1        d) error
Q 17)
what we can have inside an anchor tag
Q 18)
if you want to implement prime() function  to check in a textbox  then which validation will u use
a) regular expression     b) custom validator     c) range  validator
Q 19)
use of CLR is
i) memory mgmt   ii) gc     iii) threading

a) 1, 2,3     b) 1,2    c)2,3

Q 20)

class a        {  Private virtual abc();}
Class b:a    {            Public override abc();}

            B b= new B();
            A a=b;

a)runtime error   b)complie time error    c)no error

Q 21)
 fieldcount of data reader returns
   a) char  b) int   c) string   d) object
Q 22)
manifest can be stored in
   a) PE    b)  XML    c) txt
Q 23)
how many types of http request are there
a)3    b) 2   c) 5    d) 4
Q 24)
the validation summary is called if
a) isvalid is false      b) isvalid is true  c) isnotvalid is true  d) isnotvalid is false
Q 24)
for tracing we use
Q 25)
 what is not present in
   a) forms    b)application  c) currency manager   d) none
Q 26)
which of the following is an empty element
a) p   b)h1   c) img

Q 27)
 cts comes under
a)clr     b) cli    c)  both   d)   none
Q 28)

which of the following can be used to show error and continues with processing
   a)  #end    b)#exception    c) #region     d) # warning

Q 29)
which will give a fatal error
   a) #if   b)#exception    c)#error    d) # warning

Q 30)
 .reflection is used for
    a) viewing meta data    b) modifying data    c) deleting data   d) none
_________is responsible for compilation
a)CTS             b)CLR    c)MSIL    d)CLS
Q 32)

Which one of the following property is used for data-binding for TextBox ?
a) Text    b) Data      c) Source    d) None of the above
Q 33)
Which one of the following allows data retrival by keys and Indexers both?
a) Array   b) SortedList           d) Hashtable
Q 34)
Syntax of event decleration……………………….
Q 35)
Which object is used to retrieve data from dataset?
a)      DataAdapter
b)      DataReader
c)       DataSet
d)      Command
Q 36)
   :  is used for _inheritance
Service Manager default size __________
Q 38)
HTTP-Euiv is used with which attribute? Ans- Content
Q 39)

DataSet is used for connected ___________
Q 40)
DataSet has close affinity with _______XML______
Q 41)
Destructors can be overloaded  True/False
Q 42)
Destructors  can have arguments.  True/False
Q 43)
File class provides us which of the methods?
a)   Moving                                          b)Deleting
C)   Reading                                        D)Copying
Q 44)
WebMethod belongs to which namespace?
Q 45)
<Frameset cols  *, 2*, 3* >
Ans:- 1/6,1/3,1/2
-Q 46)
NOSHADE____does not use 3-D effect.
Q 47)
Which can be used with opening tag?
Q 48)
Which is not DCL?
A.)   Alternative                                                B) Grant
C)    Revoke        D)    None of Above
Q 48)
DataSet can have how many tables?  Ans –Unlimited
Q 49)
/* , // are valid statements.
Q 50)
Delegate is used for registering event . Choose wrong answer.
a)      Single casting & multi-casting
b)      Keeping event info.
Q 51)
Multifile assembly is possible or not. True / False
Q 52)
W3C – World Wide Web Constorium
Q 53)
CTS – Commom Type System.
Q 54)
Inheritance is used for __________ and Extensibility
A) Reusability            B)  Polymorphism            C)Override
Q 55)
A) Controlled             B) Uncontrolled                                C)Managed                        C)Unmanaged
Q 56)
Which one of the following can be accessed by Index and key?
a)      SortedList
b)      Hash Table
c)       Array.String
d)      ArrayList
Q 57)
getDate returns………..
Q 57)
1)      Class A
Abstract void Mymethod1()
Console.writeline(“My Method”);
Ans : Error
Q 58)
{b1 = +b1;}
Ans : throws Exception
Q 59)
Single value binding  ------- Label
Q 60)
Request for ASP.Net pages is controlled by
a)      aspnet_isapi.dll
b)      wp.dll
Q 61)
 microsoft implementation of IL code in
clr  cls   msil    cts
Q 62)
 csc.exe convert
a)C# to il code---------------ANS
b)c# to native code
c)native code to il
d)il code to native code
Q 63)
how to throw custom exception code?
a) throw exception
b) throw custom exception
c) throw new
Q 64)
what is incorrect abt shared assembly?
a) it is stored in gac
b) assembly should be shared so that other can use it
c) it is by default created---------------ANS
d) it can have unique name with different versions
Q 65)
 .Net doesnot support
a) VB   b)C++   c)C#-------------ANS   d)FoxPro
Q 66)
  Which is incorrect?
a) size is font is 1-8-----------------ANS
b) size is used to determine height of letters
c) Size is an attribute of <BASEFONT>tag
Q 67)
 Trace attributes is not a)isenabled  b) duration  c)  location  d) page output
Q 68)
 Under which tag is web.config all tags are included?
a) configuration---------ANS  b) appsettings  c) section
Q 69) Replacement of if else statement is
a) switch-----------ANS b) nested if c) while
Q 70)
 In which of following  condition is checked at the end
a) while  b)do while  c)for    d) switch

Q 71)
 Console is which kind of class?
a)sealed b)uitility c)abstract d)none of these
Q 72)
 Serialization is
a)convertion of object into stream of bytes
b)convertion of object into charcter of bytes
c)convertion of stream of bytes into object
d)convertion of stream of charcters into object
Q 73)
Which of these can access database?
a)datareader b)datalist c)datagrid d)dataset
Q 74)
Which of these 2 methods belong to tracontext class?
a)Isenable b)tracemode c)write d)warnWhich of the tracing method is used to display  in messagebox?
Q 75)
Which of these is not a part of security in  active directory?
a)user b)organised object c)groups
Q 76)
CTS supports how many types?
Q 77)
What is the default font size in HTML?
Q 78)
What is the maximum font size in HTML?
Q 79)
Fullform of GUID--globally unique identifier
Q 80)
Session state is found  in which file?
Q 81)
Full form of SOAP,UDDI
Q 82)
What are the web servers?(page2 ex.
Q 83)
All web applications on the web server inherit their default settings from (machine.config) file
Q 84)
Which is not the attribute of IMG?(align/ size)
Q 85)Who manages the connection betwn  data source and data control field?
currency manager(ans)
Q 86)Representation of BLOCK comment?
/*    */(ans)
Q87)Extension of IIS 6.0?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q88)representation of head tag?
Q 89) Namespace for system exception and datacontrol?
Q 90)For having no. list which tag is used?
Q 91)To check the user name what is the command?
Q 92)radio buttons can be grouped by using which attribute?
Q 93)On applying arithmatic operations on null values what will be the output?
Q 94) Page 66 Do while code.
Q 95) Which is not a keyboard event?----------------On keyRelease
-Q 96) which event is firede when  a key is pressed ?----------On KeyDown
Q 97) Domain manifest is stored in
a)Domain root  b)Domain Child  c)tree  d)Forest
Q 98) Assembly manifest is stored in
Q 99) What is returned by datascalar?
Column of a row


Q 1)
 how to remove a trigger
a)drop trigger    b) remove trigger  c) delete trigger                                 
Q 2)
 diff b/w stored procedure & trigger
  a) implicit    b) explicit   c) none
Q 3)
 ntuser.mtsi is the first domain of first tree. A northwind tree attach to the tree to form forest. What will be the name of forest
 a) ntuser  b) ntuser.mtsi  c) northwind.mtsi   d) northwind.ntuser.mtsi
Q 4)
 we have a schema (eno, ename, passportno, salary), eno is primary key. What can be the eg: of super key
a) eno   b)eno+salary  c)none
Q 5)
 if you want to have a new set of roles for particular domain then how will you create them
  a) create role  b) create grant   c)authenticate    d) authentication
Q 6)

 if we have a table emp with lastname, firstname and entries by mistake have been wrongly entered i.e. lastname in firstname and vice-versa. Then which command will you  use
a)      update emp set lastname= firstname and firstname=lastname
b)     will use views            c)none
Q 7)
 group by is applied on
   a)table   b) column   c) row    d) none
Q 8)
 how can we lock from droping a table
        a) schema lock    b) we can’t lock the drop    c)none
Q 9)
fetch returns
  a) 0   -1    b)0  -2    c)  0 1 -2    d) none

Q 10)
__________ contains all d attributes of domain & subqueries
a)      local domain
b)      child domain
c)      root domain

Q 11)
what you will prefer with orderby  & group by clause
a) clustered index   b) unclustered index  c) non-clustered index   d)inclustered index
Q 12)
  triggers are created in
a) dml   b)ddl    c) dcl   d)none
Q 13)
  max char size of  nchar & nvarchar
   a) 255    b)1000   c)2000  d)4000
Q 14)
                You can get information about triggers in _____________
     a)sp_help      b)sp_helptext     c)  gettrigger()                  d)sp_helptrigger
Q 15) SGAM full form?
ans. secondary global allocation map

Q 16) size of Extent?
answer:64 KB
Q 17) how data will store in sqlserver
in sql server everything is stored on 8K data pages (8060 bytes are technically available).
Q 18) how many data pages is equal to one data extent?
                       8 data pages (each size is 8K and total 64K) .
Q 19) how many types of extents in sql server
 All space allocation  is done based on extents – 64K There are 2 types of extents – 

  1. mixed extent which stores data pages belong to the different objects 
    1.  First 8 pages for the objects are stored in the mixed extents
  2.  uniform extent which stores data pages belong to the one object.
after that only uniform extents are used. blocks regardless of the type (mixed or uniform).

Q 20) what do you know about ALLOCATION MAPs
  • ALLOCATION MAPs are a few special data pages types in  SQLServer which  is used to track extents allocation. Those pages are basically bitmaps  and each bit handles one extent.(each page handles 64,000 extents or almost 4Gb of data).
  •  GAM – Global Allocation Map – tracks if extent are available for allocation or already in use.
Q 22) SGAM –
 Shared Global Allocation Map – tracks if extents are mixed extent and have at least one data page available for use.
Q 23) IAM
 Index Allocation Map – tracks if extents are used by specific table/index.
Q 24) what is PFS
 Page Free Space – it will check and track free space available on a page approximately. One PFS page covers 8,088 pages or about 64Mb of data.
Q 25) list out SQL  server mangement tools
Q 26) SQL server database engine components

Storage Engine is A Core of SQL server, a highly scalable and available service for data storage, processing, and security
Q 27) which dependency in 2NF and 3NF??
ans-&gt; functional dependency in 2NF, partial dependency in 3NF
Q 28) which is better to use among Windows authentication and SQL server Authentication?
 ans-&gt;Windows Aithentication
Q 29) Windows authentication is not supported in.?
 Ans-&gt; Windows 98
Q 30)Temperory files are stored in which system Database?
Q 31) Which among is not reserve keyword??
   a) Collate, b) Function, c) OPenxml, d) count
ans-&gt; d
Q 32) levels of nesting in a subquery?
     a)2        b)6         c)32        d)64
Q 33)
 _________is a special type of triggers.
a)Cursor       b)Triggers         c)View
Q 34)
 Who is the OLEDB provider in ORACLE  ?
a)      DAORA     
b)      DBDAORA
c)       SQLORACLE

Q 35)
How many null values does a column with unique constrints allow?
a)0         b)1                  c)Any Number
Q 36)
When you drop a table
a)      Only clustered index is deleted
b)      Only non-clustered.
c)       All the indexes corresponding to table are deleted
d)      none of the above
Q 37)
Which one of the following command is used to alter procedure?
a)      Alter        b)   Change
Q 38)
Output Caching is also called _______
Q 39)
Which is used for selection clause?
a)Select                  b) Where                  c) Having
Q 40)
How many nesting of view available??
-Q 41)
 What are isolation levels?
Q 42)
 Non Clustered index is used when
a) result set is few rows----------------ANS
b) result set contains huge data
Q 43)
Which command is incorrect?
a) Command object takes ddl statements
b) DML statements are used in command object
Q 44)
 insert, update, delete can be applied on
a) table  b)Index  c) view  d)a&b
Q 45)
 Which stored procedure command you used to find the data inside a view
a) sp_help    b)sp_helptext-------------------ANS
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